St Kitts and Nevis are one of the most beautiful island states in the Caribbean. It is constantly connected by regular flights to the whole world, although it is a really small country, with about 55,000 permanent inhabitants.
In the world, this country is known for its St Kitts citizenship program if you invest a certain amount of money in their economy. This is one of the longest-running programs of its kind, to attract investors of all types, who would contribute to the greater economic development of St Kitts and Nevis.
If you want to invest in real estate, you need to spend $200,000 as a co-applicant, or at least $400,000 as a single applicant. You can also join the non-refundable charity donation program, with a minimum donation of $150,000.
Note: The amounts we share with you are calculated in US dollars. The official currency of St Kitts and Nevis is the Caribbean dollar.
What do you get with St Kitts and Nevis citizenship?
When you hear that this place is a tax haven, then you have to believe it. Many come to St Kitts and Nevis to be able to work without paying large taxes to the state.
Additionally, being a citizen of this country also carries a powerful passport that allows you to travel to over 150 countries around the world. This is a great place for those who love beautiful beaches and relaxed life. Could you ask for anything more than that?
How long does it take to process your application?
St Kitts and Nevis have the fastest citizenship application processing program. In fact, the expected time period until you get a positive response is 4-6 months. However, things sometimes go much faster than this.
We’re sure you’ve never had such fast service anywhere before.
It is only up to you to prepare all your documents, check the accuracy of the data and send them on time. Furthermore, you can expect feedback at any time if you are eligible for any of the programs that St Kitts and Nevis offer.
There is also an express application option, which pays extra and you get a response in one to two months. Most of the time applicants can afford to wait 4-6 months, but sometimes it is necessary to speed up the whole process.
St Kitts and Nevis is a wonderful place for all those who love island life. But the interesting thing is that you are not obliged to live there for a single day, as long as you meet the requirements of the application. If you bought property so you could get a passport, the good news is that in five years you can sell it and still keep your citizenship.
We would say that these are excellent conditions for anyone who wants something more than what their home country has to offer.
So, if this article intrigues you enough, start researching. You will be surprised how many benefits your potential new citizenship offers you, which you could never have before at home.